Saturday, July 27, 2013

This Just In

I got this from
If you do not have an ice cream maker, you may freeze it in a tall canister. Freeze for 1 1/2 hours. Remove and stir with a whisk. Return to the freezer and stir about once every hour for about 4 hours. The more times you stir, the more air will be incorporated, resulting in a lighter finished product.

Andrew Elkins

The Quintessential Southern Sorbet

I had the most awesome revelation looking through sorbet recipes. Iced Tea Sorbet!!! (there is iced tea and unsweet iced tea) Here is the ingredient list:
3 cups tea*
1/4-3/4 cups lemon juice (this is an option I guess)

Here is the to do list:
-Mix tea and lemon juice
-Pour admixture into ice cream maker and follow manufacturers instructions.
-Put in freezer safe container
-Freeze for an hour (till firm)

You could probably get away with unsweet tea but then you'd have to call it ... well I'm sure I don't know what you'd call it.

*For those who may not have a clue how to make tea, this is how I make tea. I take 8 iced tea bags and 3 green tea bags and place them in a 4 cup measure (you can tell which one I use for tea because it has a permanent brown tint) filled with water. Sit this in the microwave for 7 minutes. Let the tea steep for 12 to 15 minutes. After the tea has steeped pour into a gallon pitcher that you have a cup to a cup and a half of sugar into. Stir the brew and sugar to dissolve the sugar. I use a wooden spoon called the "Teaspoon" that has only ever been used to hold tea bags back and stir tea and sugar together. Fill the rest of the gallon pitcher with water. Refrigerate or fill a glass with ice and drink.

Side note, I have been known to steep tea for a few hours before, won't hurt a thing. If you do this, however, you will need to make a simple syrup of the sugar and and 2-4 cups of water heated 3-4 minutes in the microwave.

Wow, the instructions for the tea are more involved than the sorbet itself.

Andrew Elkins

Monday, July 1, 2013

Time To Make The Butter

I started making some butter from the cream I skimmed off the milk I got this week. When the punkins got dressed they had to "help." Pearce even showed Mr. Artichoker, his pet turtle.

My next project with this milk is to make some mozzarella. Stay tuned for that. Oh and there may be video later.